
We started as a neat and orderly, somewhat timid, crew and listened as Dr. Weinstein reviewed her journey into the art of collage.

She explained how she listens and speaks in words all day in clinic as a family medicine doctor and that collage is a chance to step out of that verbal realm. She sees it as an opportunity to experience and express thoughts and emotions through images rather than words.

Once the scissors began to snip and the glue was poured there was no stopping this scrappy group of medical professionals. We dug into the piles of ephemera, magazines, books and quickly shifted into creating.

Some of the collages had a medical flavor to them while others had no traces of doctoring at all. There was laughter and chatting while people from across medical specialties and systems chatted with old friends and made new ones.

It was a beautiful evening and a successful launch to the Medical Arts Project. We cannot thank Dr. Weinstein enough for sharing her time, expertise and piles of collage material with us.

Below are a few of the many collage creations from the workshop.


Writing Patient Stories


MAPS Origin Story